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Cosa significa per l’albero della vita la scoperta di un nuovo regno [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @eeee.

In un articolo per Quanta Magazine, Jonathan Lambert spiega le implicazioni della scoperta di un microbo molto particolare.

he tree of life just got another major branch. Researchers recently found a certain rare and mysterious microbe called a hemimastigote in a clump of Nova Scotian soil. Their subsequent analysis of its DNA revealed that it was neither animal, plant, fungus nor any recognized type of protozoan — that it in fact fell far outside any of the known large categories for classifying complex forms of life (eukaryotes). Instead, this flagella-waving oddball stands as the first member of its own “supra-kingdom” group, which probably peeled away from the other big branches of life at least a billion years ago.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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