un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Dobbiamo nascondere la nostra identità per parlare liberamente nell’era dell’identity politics? [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Mean Coon.

Andrew Anthony discute sul Guardian l’iniziativa di alcuni accademici di fondare una rivista, il Journal of Controversial Ideas, in cui sarà possibile pubblicare anonimamente.

There is going to be one issue a year and the criteria for selection, says McMahan, are that the articles “give plausible arguments, good reasons and verifiable evidence in support of a position that is controversial, in the sense that is likely to arouse anger and hostility in some people, and that these arguments should be presented in an unpolitical non-ad hominem manner. That is, we’re not going to accept papers that are designed to antagonise people. We want to protect the authors not their ideas, so I certainly think that the journal should welcome the publication of replies.”

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