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Da dove viene la freccia del tempo? [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @GiMa

Siamo talmente abituati a percepire il tempo come passato, presente e futuro, che spesso non ci rendiamo conto da dove venga questa percezione della realtà, sopratutto considerando che -almeno per le leggi della fisica- queste distinzioni non esistono. Questo articolo su Medium tratta brevemente il tema della freccia del tempo.

Every moment that passes finds us traveling from the past to the present and into the future, with time always flowing in the same direction. At no point does it ever appear to either stand still or reverse; the “arrow of time” always points forwards for us. But if we look at the laws of physics — from Newton to Einstein, from Maxwell to Bohr, from Dirac to Feynman — they appear to be time-symmetric. In other words, the equations that govern reality don’t have a preference for which way time flows. The solutions that describe the behavior of any system obeying the laws of physics, as we understand them, are just as valid for time flowing into the past as they are for time flowing into the future. Yet we know from experience that time only flows one way: forwards. So where does the arrow of time come from?


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