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Ho chiesto a dei giovani eritrei perché rischiano emigrando [EN]

Ho chiesto a dei giovani eritrei perché rischiano emigrando [EN]

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A cura di @Anna.

Milena Belloni riporta le sue conversazioni con alcuni migranti eritrei.

Young Eritreans often migrate without their family’s approval.

Families are aware that the country can’t offer their children a future. Nevertheless, parents are reticent about encouraging their children to take a risky path, a decision that can lead to death at sea or at the hand of bandits.

Young Eritreans keep their plans secret due to respect, or emotional care, towards their families. One 23-year-old woman who had crossed to Ethiopia a year before told me:

It is better not to make them worry for nothing: if you make it, then they can be happy for you; if you don’t make it, they will have time to be sad afterwards.

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