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I dipendenti dell’ospedale metodista di Houston ricorrono in giudizio contro l’obbligo del vaccino per la Covid-19, citando il codice di Norimberga.

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Houston Chronicle, Bloomberg e ABC news riportano la notizia che un gruppo di dipendenti (quasi tutti non sanitari) ha fatto ricorso contro l’obbligo imposto dall’amministrazione di vaccinarsi contro la Covid-19 entro il 7 di Giugno, pena il licenziamento.

L’avvocato Jared Woodfill, che rappresenta i 117 dipendenti che rifiutano il vaccino, ha richiesto ad un giudice il blocco dei licenziamenti per le seguenti ragioni:

“Methodist Hospital is forcing its employees to be human ‘guinea pigs’ as a condition for continued employment”

“This, as a matter of fact, is a gene modification medical experiment on human beings, performed without informed consent. It is a severe and blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code and the public policy of the state of Texas.”

He also took issue with marketing materials in which he said the hospital noted its vaccine policy. Woodfill said that shows the hospital’s policy is rooted in financial interests, and accused Methodist CEO Marc Boom of “putting profits over employees to promote Methodist.”

L’ospedale ha replicato che sono previste esenzioni per patologie pregresse, credenze religiose, ed è inoltre possibile posporre il vaccino in caso di gravidanza.

ABC News riporta che:

The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, a federal government agency that protects workers from discrimination, issued a new guidance Friday that said employers can legally require COVID-19 vaccines to re-enter a physical workplace as long as they follow requirements to find alternative arrangements for employees unable to get vaccinated for medical reasons or religious beliefs.

A proposito della ipotetica violazione del codice di Norimberga, invece, è già stato fatto notare, per esempio dal Columbian, che il codice di Normiberga è applicabile a procedure sperimentali, non a prodotti approvati per l’uso, anche se in condizioni di emergenza. Interpellata a proposito di questo ricorso, Full fact, che si occupa di fact-checking, risponde:

Full Fact […] does not think it’s a coincidence that anti-vaccination propaganda is focusing on ethics principles that came about in response to Nazi atrocities — because the very subject of the 1933-45 Nazi regime in Germany gets people worked up. “Misinformation thrives when feelings are manipulated in this way, as claims which create an emotional response are most likely to be shared.

“Drawing a link between this final rollout of these [COVID-19] vaccines and what the Nazi doctors were doing is morally grotesque,” Dr. Julian Sheather, a special adviser in ethics and human rights for the British Medical Association, told Full Fact.


Immagine “Welcome to Texas” by Tim Patterson is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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