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I nostri odori

31 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Loafing Bunny

Ciascuno ha il proprio odore, ma tutti abbiamo più odori. Un articolo del microbiologo Jason Tetro spiega come mai abbiamo sudori diversi e come questi producano odori più o meno puzzolenti. E soprattutto ci consiglia di annusare ed annusarci, per capire come stiamo e come stanno gli altri.

There are two easy ways to find out if someone is stressed. The first is to ask. The other is to sniff that person’s armpit. The armpit is scientifically known as the axillary region and has been the focus of many a study on human psychological states. The decades of research have revealed that a trained nose can detect anxiety, fear, calmness, and even attraction. Depending on the person, a wide variety of bacteria may call the armpit home. Some of these produce sickly-sweet aromas; others make woodier and muskier scents. Some release odours that smell like cheese. Then there are those that offer the earthy odour of a damp forest. The determining factor is what we feed them.


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