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Il lavoro come virtù [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @jenji.

Quillette ha pubblicato un estratto dal libro Warren Mundine in Black + White: Race, Politics and Changing Australia, in cui il leader abroigeno australiano discute l’importanza universale del lavoro per l’essere umano, partendo dall’esempio di suo padre e accusando il pensiero marxista di averne diffuso un’idea negativa. Questa prospettiva avrebbe condotto oggi a politiche di welfare incapaci di risolvere i problemi delle comunità povere.

The overarching message from the intellectual class is that work is exploitative, an indignity, a burden; that work enforces inequality, is scarce and even endangered. At least, that is, for the downtrodden, the poor, the unskilled, those on welfare, the young, the aged and the disabled; and, in the future, for most unskilled workers […]

The progressive left want increased welfare to address the poverty of welfare recipients. But even if you doubled welfare payments, recipients would still live in poverty. Poverty isn’t just about money. It’s about deprivation of basic needs like employment; lack of purpose and aspiration; lack of autonomy and independence. Welfare can never deliver these.

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