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Il successo dello Squatty Pot [EN]

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A cura di @Perodatrent.

Alex Blasdel commenta sul Guardian il successo dell’unico prodotto di una delle tante Start-Up: lo Squatty Pot. Un pezzo “longread” che spiega gli aspetti culturali, sociali, economici e sanitari di un comportamento che coinvolge tutti gli essere umani: come liberarsi al meglio dei prodotti della nostra digestione.

Così, un problema sanitario basato su stereotipi culturali, sembra sia stato risolto grazie alla libera iniziativa di un figlio, fattosi imprenditore per risolvere un problema che angustiava la madre.

Where illness goes, big business follows. The markets … are worth many billions of dollars. [The Squatty Pot is] piercing that final veil around bodily use and bodily functions,” Barbara Penner, professor of architectural humanities at UCL’s Bartlett School of Architecture, and one of the preeminent scholars of the modern bathroom, told me. But the Squatty Potty also represents a more worldly sort of devotion. Our anal sphincters “are concerned with some of the most basic questions of human existence,” Giulia Enders, the scientist, writes: how we navigate the boundaries between our internal and external worlds. One might add the spiritual world, too. The simple hedonism of a full bowel movement reminds us that the body is the ultimate seat of the soul. Like Bryan Cranston, we all want the ecstacy of elimination, the self-love we feel after a really good shit.

Immagine da Flickr.

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