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In UK più di 120 omeopati stanno cercando di curare l’autismo [EN]

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A cura di @Perodatrent.

In UK sono più di 120 gli omeopati che offrono un trattamento per l’autismo.

Il trattamento, denominato CEASE,  è stato inventato dal medico olandese Tinus Smits, e prevede l’uso di rimedi omeopatici e di dosi abbondanti di vitamina C. La terapia può provocare febbre e diarrea, ma secondo il suo inventore non c’è da preoccuparsi:

[fever] should not be treated with medication, as it is a healthy reaction of the organism and not a disease! … Eliminations like diarrhea, flu, expectoration, and bad-smelling and cloudy urine should also be left alone, because they are a part of the healing process.”

One child he treated had diarrhoea that “relieved his system so much that his autism almost disappeared instantly”. After 10 days, however, his mother was so concerned that she took him to the doctor, who gave him immodium to stop the diarrhoea.

“Almost immediately the child had a setback and became autistic as before. The diarrhea was a perfect detoxification for his bowels and brain.

La Professional Standard Authority, che controlla l’operato della Società degli omeopati,  ha deciso che entro un mese la società deve dichiarare cosa intende fare per garantire la sicurezza dei piccoli pazienti, se vuole mantenere l’accreditamento.

Immagine: Internet Archive Book Images via Flickr.


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