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La forza della lingua madre [EN]

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A cura di @orpeggio.

Julie Sedivy racconta su Nautilus la sua esperienza di bambina multilingue e spiega l’importanza della lingua madre per la nostra psicologia.

Several years ago, my father died as he had done most things throughout his life: without preparation and without consulting anyone. He simply went to bed one night, yielded his brain to a monstrous blood clot, and was found the next morning lying amidst the sheets like his own stone monument.

It was hard for me not to take my father’s abrupt exit as a rebuke. For years, he’d been begging me to visit him in the Czech Republic, where I’d been born and where he’d gone back to live in 1992. Each year, I delayed.

Immagine da Flickr.

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