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La mente senza profondità [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Anna

Kevin Berger di Nautil.us discute con lo scienziato del comportamento Nick Chater del concetto di inconscio, che secondo l’intervistato è inadatto a descrivere la realtà del pensiero umano. Secondo lo studioso britannico, anche ricercare le cause profonde delle proprie decisioni è generalmente un esercizio futile.

The reason I think the unconscious is a dangerous metaphor is because it gives you the impression that mental things that are unconscious could be conscious. […] And I think that’s really a mistake. The reality is that the things we’re conscious of — experiences, thoughts, fragments of conversation — are completely different in type from the things we’re unconscious of — all these mysterious brain processes, which lay down and retrieve memories, piece fragments of information together, and so on. The brain is doing lots of unconscious work — but it is not thought in any way we understand it.

—Immagine da Wikimedia Commons

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