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La morte della democrazia e la nascita di una bestia sconosciuta [EN]

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A cura di @Quantus.

L’Economist ha intervistato (link alternativo) David Runciman, sulle nuove difficoltà delle istituzioni democratiche e la necessità di superarle.

Liberals invariably think democracy is in crisis, given that there’s always something for liberals to dislike about a system where the majority decides. What’s different about now is not simply that the liberals are complaining because they are losing, but even the winners are behaving as though they are the victims. Democracy works best when we take it in turns to complain about the system. Now all sides—pro- and anti-Trump, pro- and anti-Brexit—feel like they are being conned. That kind of ecumenical distrust is something new.

Immagine da Flickr.

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