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La nuova legge della Florida contro il deplatforming [EN]

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CBS Miami riporta la notizia dell’approvazione in Florida della ‘Big Tech Bill’ voluta dal governatore Ron Desantis, che impone multe fino a 250.000$ al giorno ai social media con più di 100 milioni di utenti attivi mensili che operano deplatforming di candidati politici.
La nuova legge inoltre obbliga i gestori dei social media interessati a rendere pubblici i criteri secondo i quali vengono sanzionati gli utenti e prevede la possibilità per i privati cittadini di denunciare in caso di ‘trattamento ingiusto’.

“This is a big problem, we don’t even need to get into the election interference that we see from Silicon Valley on major issues that deserve robust debate, Silicon Valley has been acting as a council of censors, they cancel people, when mobs come after people they will pull them down, they shadow ban people which created partisan echo chambers, and honestly, they are some of the major reasons why this country is divided for doing what they are doing. And the worst part about this, Silicon Valley thinks they know better than you. So their power up to this point has effectively been unchecked and they used this power to impose their orthodoxies and their ideology on our public square. This is not how a free society should operate,” said DeSantis before signing Senate Bill 7072.

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