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La scuola finlandese contro le fake news [EN]

La scuola finlandese contro le fake news [EN]

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A cura di @s1m0n4.

Un articolo della CNN spiega che, ritenuto il paese più immune alle campagne di disinformazione, la Finlandia sta vincendo la lotta alle fake news.

Il modello finlandese si basa sulla qualità del sistema educativo, capace di piazzare gli studenti al primo posto delle classifiche OSI sull’alfabetizzazione mediatica. Grazie ad un focus particolare sullo sviluppo del pensiero critico e di competenze in fact-checking, ai ragazzi vengono proposti esercizi di debunking sulle informazioni diffuse sui social.

The school recently partnered with Finnish fact-checking agency Faktabaari (FactBar) to develop a digital literacy “toolkit” for elementary to high school students learning about the EU elections. It was presented to the bloc’s expert group on media literacy and has been shared among member states.

The exercises include examining claims found in YouTube videos and social media posts, comparing media bias in an array of different “clickbait” articles, probing how misinformation preys on readers’ emotions, and even getting students to try their hand at writing fake news stories themselves.

“What we want our students to do is … before they like or share in the social media they think twice – who has written this? Where has it been published? Can I find the same information from another source?” Kari Kivinen, director of Helsinki French-Finnish School and former secretary-general of the European Schools, told CNN.

He cautioned that it is a balancing act trying to make sure skepticism doesn’t give way to cynicism in students.




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