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La versione degli Houthi in Yemen [EN]

26 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Philip J. Threepwood.


Il giornalista iracheno Ghaith Abdul-Ahad propone un diario yemenita dell’ascesa al potere dei ribelli Houthi, fornendo un quadro della loro autorappresentazione e della storia recente dei ribelli che hanno provocato i bombardamenti a guida saudita delle ultime settimane.

The Houthis emerged out of the teachings of Hussein al-Houthi, their eternal leader and martyr, killed in 2004. A dissident Zaidi scholar, orator and one-time member of parliament who came from a Hashemite family which claimed descent from the prophet Muhammad, Hussein had begun to deliver weekly lectures examining the problems facing the Islamic Ummah at the turn of the millennium. At the heart of these lectures lay the question that many Muslim scholars, philosophers, mullahs and millenarians had tried to answer for centuries before him


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