un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Le cose che gli uomini avrebbero voluto sapere prima di sposarsi [EN]

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su suggerimento di ZeKeeKee

Mel, rivista di cultura e sessualità, offre ai suoi lettori i consigli matrimoniali di Bridget Phetasy

Every wedding season — such as, you know, RIGHT NOW — I think about how I got married young and wish someone had sat me down to tell me a few things about marriage before I took my vows. To be fair I eloped in a (yearlong) blackout, but that’s another story for another day. Needless to say, it didn’t last.

Still, as they say, knowledge is power. And so, for those who are about to walk down the aisle this summer, I reached out to the hive mind that is my Twitter following and asked men to relay the things they wished they’d known before they got married. Some had been married for decades. Others were on marriage number three. A few were newlyweds. All of them, though, said things that I should have heard before I embarked upon my brief(ish) journey into “forever after” territory. Such as…

Immagine: ErikaWittlieb

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