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L’economia ai tempi della guerra russo-ucraina / 13 – 26 giugno

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The Guardian riporta il monito della Banca Mondiale a proposito della stagflazione che potrebbe essere innescata dai prolungati lockdown dovuti alla pandemia e dalla guerra russo-ucraina. Con il termine stagflazione ci si riferisce ad una crescita economica lenta con alti livelli di disoccupazione (stagnazione economica) accompagnata da aumento dei prezzi (inflazione).

The global economy faces a protracted period of weak growth and high inflation reminiscent of the 1970s as the impact of a two-year pandemic is compounded by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the World Bank has warned.

While both rich and poor countries would be hit by the growth slowdown, the World Bank said developing and emerging market economies were the more vulnerable. It said the level of per capita incomes in developing countries in 2022 would be 5% below their pre-pandemic trend.

“Amid the war in Ukraine, surging inflation, and rising interest rates, global economic growth is expected to slump in 2022. Several years of above-average inflation and below-average growth are now likely, with potentially destabilising consequences for low- and middle-income economies. It’s a phenomenon – stagflation – that the world has not seen since the 1970s.”

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