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L’etica protestante e il suicidio, nel diciannovesimo secolo, in Prussia [EN]

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A cura di @G.Bon (modificato).

In un articolo pubblicato su Aeon, gli economisti Sascha O. Becker e Ludger Woessmann descrivono una ricerca storica sul tasso di suicidi di protestanti e cattolici nel 19esimo secolo, in Prussia.

Prussia […] has the advantage that neither Protestants nor Catholics were small minorities of the population. They lived together in one state with a common setting of government, institutions, jurisdiction, language and basic culture […] In principle, perhaps the biggest challenge for an empirical identification of the effect of Protestantism on suicide is that people with different characteristics might self-select into religious denominations. [… ] But the self-selecting factor is less of an issue in 19th-century Prussia. There (as in many other places) individual change of denomination was almost unheard of, and religious affiliation derives from choices of local rulers made several centuries earlier

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