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L’uomo pagato per non fare nulla [EN]

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Un reportage di BBC racconta la curiosa professione di Shoji Morimoto, un giovane di Tokyo che viene assunto dai suoi clienti per “non fare nulla”.

He has fashioned a career out of renting himself out to clients who simply don’t want to be alone. Shoji doesn’t engage in conversation or do anything other than just be there at whatever event or activity he has been hired to attend, and yet he is in high demand, scheduling one to three sessions a day.

Di Shoji Morimoto e della sua peculiare professione parlano anche Reuters e il Japan Times:

Doing nothing doesn’t mean Morimoto will do anything. He has turned down offers to move a fridge and go to Cambodia, and doesn’t take any requests of a sexual nature.

As he spent a Wednesday doing nothing of note in Tokyo, Morimoto reflected on the bizarre nature of his job and appeared to question a society that values productivity and derides uselessness.

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