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Potrebbe essere l’Italia l’inaspettata salvatrice dell’Europa [EN]

31 commenti

Su suggerimento di @nessuno

Un articolo di Anatole Kaletsky sul Guardian si chiede se l’Unione Europea, in questo periodo tanto critico della sua storia, non possa trovare un’inattesa salvezza proprio nella guida dell’Italia.

But where can a Europe disillusioned with German leadership now turn? The obvious candidates will not or cannot take on the role: Britain has excluded itself; France is paralysed until next year’s presidential election and possibly beyond; and Spain cannot even form a government. That leaves Italy, a country that, having dominated Europe’s politics and culture for most of its history, is now treated as “peripheral”. But Italy is resuming its historic role as a source of Europe’s best ideas and leadership in politics, and also, most surprisingly, in economics.


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