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Regional Implications of an Independent Kurdistan [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Putler’s son.

Il report della Rand (in formato PDF scaricabile) analizza le conseguenze geopolitiche della creazione di un possibile stato curdo nell’attuale nord dell’Iraq, con particolare attenzione ai riflessi sull’Iraq, la Turchia, l’Iran.

The authors discuss the possible responses of Baghdad, Ankara, and Tehran under three different scenarios: a unilateral declaration of Kurdish independence that is broadly opposed by the region, a “last man standing” scenario in which the Iraqi state collapses and the Kurdistan Regional Government becomes an independent state, and a gradual estrangement between Erbil and Baghdad. The authors also consider how each of these scenarios could be influenced by a resurgence of Kurdish nationalism in which Kurdish populations in Iran, Turkey, or Syria not only support the establishment of a sovereign Kurdistan in northern Iraq, but even seek to join the new nation.


Immagine di jan Sefti CC-BY da flickr

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