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Sognare è un po’ come assumere LSD

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Un articolo su nautilus spiega il lavoro di due scienziati sull’elaborazione dei sogni.

Dreaming is a form of sleep-dependent memory processing that extracts new knowledge from existing information through the discovery and strengthening of previously unexplored associations. In doing so, dreams rarely replay active concerns directly or offer concrete solutions to them. Rather, they identify and strengthen associations that in some way embody these concerns and that the brain calculates may be of use in resolving them or similar concerns, either now or in the future […] Typically, the brain starts with some new memory, encoded that day—maybe an important event, a discussion overheard at work, or something related to a personal concern—and searches for other, weakly associated memories. These can be from the same day, or they can be older memories from any time in the dreamer’s past. The brain then combines the memories into a dream narrative that explores associations the brain would never normally consider.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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