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Storia delle prigioni private statunitensi [EN]

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A cura di @NedCuttle21(Ulm).

Un articolo pubblicato su Time prova a ricostruire la storia delle prigioni private negli States. Nel 2014, l’autore, Shane Bauer, ha trascorso un periodo come agente sotto copertura in un carcere privato della Louisiana.

Before founding the Corrections Corporation of America, a $1.8 billion private prison corporation now known as CoreCivic, Terrell Don Hutto ran a cotton plantation the size of Manhattan. There, mostly black convicts were forced to pick cotton from dawn to dusk for no pay. It was 1967 and the Beatles’ “All you need is love” was a hit, but the men in the fields sang songs with lyrics like “Old Master don’t you whip me, I’ll give you half a dollar.” Hutto’s family lived on the plantation and even had a “house boy,” an unpaid convict who served them.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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