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Il mondo perduto di Weegee [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Swanito de Pluff.

Terry Teachout racconta su Commentary il lavoro del fotogiornalista Weegee.

He specialized in shooting crime scenes as a self-taught, mostly anonymous freelancer for New York’s tabloid papers. But the individuality of his work was impossible to overlook, and by 1948 he was sufficiently famous that The Naked City, Jules Dassin’s movie about the New York Police Department’s homicide squad, was named after and influenced by his first published collection of photos. The stark black-and-white visual language of film noir was similarly influenced by his flash-lit, high-contrast style, which art critics found no less impressive. Four of his photographs were included in a 1943 Museum of Modern Art exhibition called “Action Photography.”

Immagine da Wikimedia.


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