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Un selfie del pianeta ogni giorno

Un selfie del pianeta ogni giorno

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A cura di @MostrodeiBiscotti.

Entro sei mesi uno sciame di “Doves“, i mini-satelliti lanciati in febbraio da Planet Labs, sarà in grado di realizzare ogni giorno una fotografia dell’intero pianeta Terra. La notizia su Science.

On 14 February, earth scientists and ecologists received a Valentine’s Day gift from the San Francisco, California-based company Planet, which launched 88 shoebox-sized satellites on a single Indian rocket. They joined dozens already in orbit, bringing the constellation of “Doves,” as these tiny imaging satellites are known, to 144. Six months from now, once the Doves have settled into their prescribed orbits, the company says it will have reached its primary goal: being able to image every point on Earth’s landmass at intervals of 24 hours or less, at resolutions as high as 3.7 meters—good enough to single out large trees. It’s not the resolution that’s so impressive, though. It’s getting a whole Earth selfie every day.

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