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Variabilità dei risultati delle scuole guida: cosa succede in Gran Bretagna.

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Su segnalazione di @Perodatrent.

In Gran Bretagna l’agenzia governativa DVS ha pubblicato i risultati delle prove di esame di guida in diverse località del reame, ed evidenzia che esiste una enorme disparità dei promossi tra una città e l’altra. Ne pubblica i risultati il The Guardian

In particolare, si nota una netta prevalenza dei promossi nelle località rurali, mentre alcuni quartieri di grandi città hanno una percentuale di promossi inferiore al 40%.

“There are probably other social factors that may be playing a part in the pass rate disparity,” he added. “The large, urban test centres also tend to be in areas where more people may be on lower incomes. This may mean they have taken fewer driving lessons prior to taking their test, which could have an impact on these centres’ pass rates.”

Gordon Witherspoon, the DVSA’s deputy chief driving examiner, said: “All candidates are assessed to the same level and the result of their test is entirely dependent on their performance on the day.”

Ma Kenny Tallach, uno dei docenti i cui allievi ottengono i risultati migliori, begs to differ:

So what’s the secret? “I don’t teach people to pass their tests. A lot of people come to me and say, ‘I want to pass my test.’ I tend to teach people <b> to drive </b>  as  a skill,” says Tallach, who explains that he only lets his pupils go for their licence when they are truly ready to hit the road on their own.


Immagine di apertura via Flickr.

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