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Vicino a Gerusalemme è stata scoperta una chiesa di 1500 anni fa dedicata a un “martire glorioso” [EN]

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Un articolo del Times of Israel parla della scoperta di una ricca chiesa di epoca bizantina scoperta a Beit Shemesh, dedicata a un martire di cui ancora non è stato individuato il nome.

Fifteen hundred years ago, Christian pilgrims flocked to an opulent basilica church near Beit Shemesh built with donations from the Byzantine emperor himself in honor of a mysterious “glorious martyr,” the Israel Antiquities Authority said Wednesday.

“The martyr’s identity is not known, but the exceptional opulence of the structure and its inscriptions indicate that this person was an important figure,” said excavation director Benjamin Storchan in the IAA press release.

Anche Arte Magazine parla della scoperta.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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