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Vita da suora

2 commenti

Su segnalazione di @Ergosfera

In New Jersey esiste un monastero Domenicano, Nostra Signora del Rosario. Penelope Green sul New York Times ce lo racconta.

L’ordine delle suore di clausura del New Jersey, in un periodo di costante crisi delle vocazioni, riesce comunque ad attirare giovani donne, appartenenti alla generazione dei “millennials”. Negli ultimi dieci anni, 15 ragazze sono entrate nell’ordine, di cui 9 sono rimaste. Paradossalmente, é proprio tramite internet che le giovani aspiranti suore vengono attirate, tramite blog come “vita da suora“.

With all the technology, I think they’re just saturated,” she said of the curious. “And they see this life as really radical and they have a desire for it. Maybe their families are fractured and they see our life as really stable. Of course, people come to it from all different places. One of the friars told me his novice master decided to become a friar because friars had their own bedrooms and he hated sharing a room with his brothers at home. That is why he came, but it’s not why he stayed. If God is calling, you can’t be happy doing anything else.

Immagine da flickr



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