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62% degli americani ha paura di esprimere le proprie idee politiche [EN]

62% degli americani ha paura di esprimere le proprie idee politiche [EN]

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Un articolo del Cato Institute riporta un sondaggio secondo il quale il 62% degli americani avrebbe timore ad esporre le proprie idee politiche – dato in crescita rispetto al 58% del 2017.

Taking these results together indicates that a significant majority of Americans with diverse political views and backgrounds self‐​censor their political opinions. This large number from across demographic groups suggests withheld opinions may not simply be radical or fringe perspectives in the process of being socially marginalized. Instead many of these opinions may be shared by a large number of people. Opinions so widely shared are likely shaping how people think about salient policy issues and ultimately impacting how they vote. But if people feel they cannot discuss these important policy matters, such views will not have an opportunity to be scrutinized, understood, or reformed.

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