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Il “rapporto Mueller”

Il “rapporto Mueller”

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A cura di @Apollyon e dal Post.

Un articolo di The Intercept critica punto per punto le obiezioni sollevate dai teorici del complotto Trump-Russia a seguito della pubblicazione del rapporto Mueller e analizza il ruolo della stampa americana nella diffusione di notizie false con lo scopo di screditare Donald Trump.

Those responsible for this can refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing. They can even claim vindication if they want and will likely be cheered for doing so.
But the contempt in which the media and political class is held by so much of the U.S. population – undoubtedly a leading factor that led to Trump’s election in the first place – will only continue to grow as a result, and deservedly so. People know they were scammed, that their politics was drowned for years by a hoax. And none of that will go away no matter how insulated media and political elites in Washington, northern Virginia, Brooklyn, and large West Coast cities keep themselves, and thus hear only in-group affirmation while blocking out all of that well-earned scorn.

Scelte dal New York Times per orientarsi tra la valanga di informazioni contenute nelle 400 pagine dell’atteso e discusso documento
Continua a leggere: 7 cose dal “rapporto Mueller”
Fonte: il Post Mondo

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