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Will I or won’t I? [EN]

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Il cervello gioca sempre in anticipo? Chi è che prende le nostre decisioni?

Stefan Bode per The Conversation parla degli studi degli scienziati che cercano di capire il funzionamento del libero arbitrio.

In 1983, American physiologist Benjamin Libet conducted an experiment that became a landmark in the field of cognitive sciences. It got psychologists, neuroscientists, and philosophers either very excited or very concerned.

The study itself was simple. Participants were connected to an apparatus that measured their brain and muscle activity, and were asked to do two basic things. First, they had to flex their wrist whenever they felt like doing so.

Second, they had to note the time when they first became aware of their intention to flex their wrist. They did this by remembering the position of a revolving dot on a clock face. The brain activity Libet was interested in was the “readiness potential”, which is known to ramp up before movements are executed.


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