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Daniel Patrick Moynihan e gli Stati Uniti di oggi

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Su suggerimento di @francisco quintay.


Un lungo articolo che ricorda Daniel Patrick Moynihan, studioso e diplomatico statunitense che ha lavorato per il governo americano per quattro legislature (due Democrats e due Republicans). Un articolo che non si limita a descrivere il suo pensiero, ma che fa numerose riflessioni sullo stato presente della politica USA.

There were better and more credentialled scholars than Moynihan in the US government. His scholarly work wasn’t consequential, nor was he a match for George Kennan, John Kenneth Galbraith, Henry Kissinger, Arthur Schlesinger and Francis Fukuyama, or for any number of other “eggheads” of the 1950s, “action intellectuals” in the 1960s and “policy intellectuals” in the 1980s. Moynihan was a different creature, a working politician who drew on advanced data and talked reverently of “social science” but also thought in sweeping terms—about family, poverty, race; issues that were creating tensions in the emerging political culture of postwar America.


Immagine “Edwin Newman interviews Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan” by NBC News – eBay itemPhoto frontPhoto back. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

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