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Congratulations! You have been fired [EN]

19 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Yoghi.

Dan Lions sul New York Times racconta la sua esperienza con la relazione fra impiegati e datori di lavoro di alcune tech companies, che spingono gli impiegati a vivere in funzione dei valori aziendali, ma alla fine li considerano alla stregua di beni di consumo.

Treating workers as if they are widgets to be used up and discarded is a central part of the revised relationship between employers and employees that techies proclaim is an innovation as important as chips and software. The model originated in Silicon Valley, but it’s spreading. Old-guard companies are hiring “growth hackers” and building “incubators,” too. They see Silicon Valley as a model of enlightenment and forward thinking, even though this “new” way of working is actually the oldest game in the world: the exploitation of labor by capital.


Immagine by m01229 [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Flickr.

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