Su suggerimento di @Fhtagn!
Il 23 maggio, per la prima volta in 4 milioni di anni, la concentrazione di anidride carbonica nell’aria ha superato la soglia di 400 parti per milione (ppm) anche al Polo Sud: si tratta dell’ultima stazione di monitoraggio sulla Terra a passare questo storico traguardo.
Carbon dioxide concentrations rise and fall annually, but we’ve also witnessed a steady upward trend since we began collecting round-the-clock observations at Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Climate Observatory in 1958.
That station, which recorded CO2 levels of a cool 310 ppm in the late 1950s, broke 400 ppm for the first time in 2013. Since then, 400 ppm readings have become the frightening norm—the world passed that threshold for an entire month last year, and thanks in part to El Niño, 2016 will likely be the first year in the history of our species where global average CO2 concentrations exceed 400 ppm.
Immagine da pixabay.
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