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I successi del Canada nel campo dell’istruzione [EN]

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A cura di @cris.
Un articolo della BBC parla dei miglioramenti ottenuti dal sistema educativo canadese, ormai uno dei migliori al mondo, e delle sue particolarità:

Canada’s success in school tests is also very unusual compared with other international trends. The top performers are often cohesive, compact societies and the current highest achiever, Singapore, has been seen as a model of systematic progress, with each part of the education system integrated into an overarching national strategy.
Canada does not even really have a national education system, it is based on autonomous provinces and it is hard to think of a bigger contrast between a city state such as Singapore and a sprawling land mass such as Canada.
The OECD, trying to understand Canada’s success in education, described the role of the federal government as “limited and sometimes non-existent”.
Also not widely recognised is that Canada has a high level of migrants in its school population.
More than a third of young adults in Canada are from families where both parents are from another country.
But the children of newly-arrived, migrant families seem to integrate rapidly enough to perform at the same high level as their classmates.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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