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L’estrema destra è influente anche quando non vince

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A curs di @NedCuttle21(Ulm).

Secondo un articolo pubblicato sul Guardian, i partiti sovranisti come la Lega non hanno bisogno di vincere le elezioni per imporre la propria agenda politica.

Since 2015, when nativist parties began to chalk up impressive electoral triumphs from Provence to Pennsylvania, there has been much hand-wringing among establishment politicians and left-wing voters in Europe and the United States.

Some breathed a sigh of relief after Emmanuel Macron’s 2017 victory over Marine Le Pen and the Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte’s defeat of Geert Wilders, taking solace in the refrain: “At least they didn’t win.”

They should not be comforted. The fact is far-right parties don’t have to win to set the legislative agenda.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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