un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Le pubblicità indirizzate alle mogli su facebook [EN]

Le pubblicità indirizzate alle mogli su facebook [EN]

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A cura di @top.

Un articolo del Daily Dot spiega come funzionano i servizi di Spinner, una società che consente di indirizzare pubblicità mirate a un singolo utente facebook.

Imagine you’re married. Maybe you’ve been going through a stressful couple of months. Perhaps you’ve lost your job, or your current job is a nightmare, and maybe you’ve suffered from poor health and fallen out with long-term friends, so that you hardly ever see anyone but your husband and kids. Now imagine that, understandably, your libido has fallen through the floor during this difficult period, so you don’t even think about sex anymore. And finally, imagine that your husband has begun targeting you with online ads intended to “brainwash” you into having sex with him, since he can’t think of any other way of restoring your interest in lovemaking.

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