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Camera On or Off: la lotta di estroversi e introversi su Zoom

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15L’epidemia di Covid-19 ha posto diversi problemi: tra questi, adattarsi a utilizzare le videochiamate per il lavoro. In questo articolo del Wall Street Journal si parla di come estroversi ed introversi abbiano un approccio diverso alle videochiamate e al cosiddetto affaticamento da Zoom.

Zoom fatigue [..] can hit people differently depending on whether they are extroverts, who need more external stimuli to recharge their batteries, or introverts, who can be depleted by too much stimulation. Surprisingly, some medical experts say the toll of these video tools might be harder on extroverts. The reality is that both personality types prefer socializing in person, even if they do so differently.


To many people—extroverts in particular—[videoconferences] seemed like a smart, fun and safe way to see people. The experience, however, has proved to be less rewarding to many extroverts. “Zoom does not provide the same visceral feedback as a live conversation, so it is less satisfying,” says Roger McIntyre, a professor of psychiatry and pharmacology at the University of Toronto.


Video calls pose their own special challenges for introverts. For one thing, in most virtual meetings, with multiple participants observing one another, “you feel like you’re being constantly watched,” says Dr. McIntyre. “Introverts prefer to control who is in their personal space and for how long.”

Che siate estroversi o introversi, l’articolo presenta alcuni suggerimenti su come attenuare gli effetti della Zoom fatigue. Come vi approcciate a questo problema? Qual é il giusto modo per affrontare le videochiamate? Ne avevamo già discusso qui un anno fa.

Immagine da Pixabay.

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