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Post di Natale I – Decorazioni: Glass from Christmas Past

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Su suggerimento di @MadameChiaraS.

In questo post del Museo del vetro di Corning si rivisitano i fasti degli addobbi natalizi del secolo scorso:

Once you begin to explore the history of Christmas decorations, you will quickly become hooked. The traditions of Christmas, and their social history, are chock-full of questions, mysteries, and theories. Christmas festivities, prior to Victorian times, were often more about wassailing (that is, drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages!) than about stockings on the hearth, joy to the world, and the spirit of giving.

E voi come addobbate il vostro? Vetri soffiati e candele vere? Decorazioni commestibili? Sobrietà decorativa o abbondanza luccicante?

Immagine da Pexels.

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