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Guida ai partiti minori del Sud Africa

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In vista delle prime elezioni Sudafricane dal 1994 che potrebbero vedere l’ANC non raggiungere la maggioranza assoluta, il sito Africa Elects fa una rassegna dei partiti sudafricani minori.

Il Congresso Nazionale Africano (African National Congress, ANC) è il più importante partito politico sudafricano, protagonista della lotta all’apartheid e rimasto ininterrottamente al governo del paese dal 1994 a oggi.

On the 29th of May, South Africa will hold its seventh democratic election, marking a pivotal moment in the country’s history as voters determine whether the ANC will for the first time in history lose its parliamentary majority amidst rolling blackouts, surging crime rates, and a slew of embarrassing corruption scandals. In these discussions, the larger and more established opposition parties — the DA, the EFF, and the IFP — have dominated the landscape and occupy the periphery of public attention, especially abroad. Yet, amidst these polls, we see a growing role within this dynamic political ecosystem for smaller and newly established parties.

L’ANC dovrà affrontare la sfida di cercare partner di coalizione affidabili e, di conseguenza, i partiti più piccoli plasmeranno silenziosamente il panorama politico e il governo dell’intera nazione.

With coalitions likely in KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, the Western Cape, and potentially even the Free State along with an almost certain national coalition, the ANC will have to face the challenge of looking for reliable coalition partners and consequently, the smaller parties will quietly shape the political landscape and governance of the entire nation. Thus, understanding smaller political parties and their backgrounds, histories, ideologies, aims, and voter bases can illuminate the challenges facing the ANC and the country. In this article, we will focus on four we believe offer valuable insights into the intricacies of South African politics, considering factors such as their size, support base, historical significance, and ideological stances.

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