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I capi della Silicon Valley sono globalisti, non libertarian [EN]

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A cura di @D.

Un articolo dell’Economist discute le tendenze politiche degli imprenditori della Silicon Valley.

Given their combination of socially liberal attitudes and a preference for free markets, you might call Silicon Valley executives libertarians. However, libertarians generally advocate shrinking the state as a share of the economy, which technology bosses resolutely do not. When asked if they “would like to live in a society where government does nothing except provide national defence and police protection, so that people could be left alone to earn whatever they could,” just 24% agreed. In contrast, 68% of Republican donors concurred with that statement. Moreover, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are just as likely to favour redistributive economic policies, such as universal health care and higher taxes on the rich, as an average Democrat is. The outlook of our new robot-building overlords is far more communitarian than, say, the doctrines of Ayn Rand.

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