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Il continuo spostamento dell’America verso il socialismo.

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Axios riassume i risultati di un sondaggio fatto su circa 2.000 persone negli USA riguardo alle visioni politiche della popolazione.

I risultati sono che una parte crescente della popolazione ha una visione positiva del “socialismo”, mentre cala la parte che ha una visione positiva del “capitalismo”, infatti

The pandemic has caused millions of Americans — including many younger Republicans — to re-evaluate their political and economic worldview. That’s likely because of two factors: a renewed focus on deep societal inequalities and the tangible upsides of unprecedented levels of government intervention.


A majority of Americans continue to have a more positive than negative view of capitalism, with 57% in a new poll from Axios and Momentive saying they have a positive view and 36% saying they have a negative view, a slight narrowing from the 61-36 split in January 2019.

Il grande cambiamento, però, sembra essere nella fascia più giovane della popolazione.

But, young adults’ perceptions of capitalism have been the real driver of topline change in the past two years. Today, 18-34 year-olds are almost evenly split between those who view capitalism positively and those who view it negatively (49% vs. 46%). Two years ago, that margin was a gaping 20 points (58% vs. 38%).

Immagine di Socialist Appeal via flickr

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