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Is ‘First, Kill All the Lawyers’ the Democrats’ New Credo?

Is ‘First, Kill All the Lawyers’ the Democrats’ New Credo?

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Un articolo del WSJ (link alternativo) sostiene che il comportamento e la retorica dei Democratici sul caso Kavanaugh sia stato un vero e proprio attacco verso le istituzioni democratiche americane.

Fast forward to last Saturday, after Brett Kavanaugh concluded his own dramatic turn on the world stage by ascending to the Supreme Court. His Democratic tormentors, including California’s 85-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein, don’t want the drama to end. Up went the hue and cry that Justice Kavanaugh would “taint” future Supreme Court decisions. The Atlantic’s Adam Serwer didn’t leave it at that, screaming that all three branches of government had been befouled by “Trumpist corruption.”

Maybe it’s time for the Democrats to calm down. They probably aren’t aware of it, since reading history has gone out of style, but their hatred of Donald Trump has now boiled over into what sounds like an attack on America’s institutions. As the party of the left, they should be more careful about any such suggestion. Modern history records that it is the left, not the right, that has been more culpable in destroying institutions that protected citizens from authoritarian rule.

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