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Il populismo libertario di Donald Trump [EN]

Il populismo libertario di Donald Trump [EN]

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Janan Ganesh sul Financial Times (link alternativo) argomenta che i caratteri del populismo trumpista sono più prossimi a quelli dell’ideologia libertarian americana che non a quelli degli autoritarismi di destra del novecento.

Mr Trump’s anti-paternalism was on show even before the pandemic. Having promised an infrastructure splurge, his main legislative achievement was a tax cut. More than the construction of a wall against Mexico, his animating goal is the repeal of Obamacare. Far from revering the military and the secret state, like your epaulette-wearing tyrant, he has found himself at odds with both. And when it comes to fiscal relief for a stricken economy, a wildly popular idea, he is only slightly more generous than Congress’s free-market Republicans. On Tuesday, he called off talks with the Democrats over a stimulus package. This is not a leader who is mesmerised by the grandeur of Hobbes’ Leviathan. Would that he were.

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