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Il progetto di reddito universale in Finlandia [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @s1m0n4

La Finlandia è in procinto di sperimentare il reddito universale su un campione di 2000-3000 disoccupati. L’esito di questo progetto pilota sarà determinante ai fini di decidere se estendere o meno il reddito universale all’insieme della popolazione. Ne parla questo articolo sul sito Futurism.

Finland is about to launch an experiment in which a randomly selected group of 2,000 – 3,000 citizens already on unemployment benefits will begin to receive a monthly basic income of 560 euros (approx. $600). That basic income will replace their existing benefits. The amount is the same as the current guaranteed minimum level of Finnish social security support. The pilot study, running for two years in 2017-2018, aims to assess whether basic income can help reduce poverty, social exclusion, and bureaucracy, while increasing the employment rate.


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