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In difesa dello stoicismo maschile [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @gtref e @gee.

Ben Sixsmith racconta su Quillette la sua esperienza con l’anoressia, che racconta di aver superato rifiutando quasi del tutto aiuto professionale o le manifestazioni aperte dei propri sentimenti, come il pianto.

As a means of recovery, I would not recommend this. I was fortunate enough to have a family who supported me as I recovered, and someone less privileged would need additional support. Had I been more open to professional help, meanwhile, I might have made a quicker and more comprehensive recovery, and if someone feels as if it might be good for them I have no reservations about advising people to seek it.

Yet that was not who I was. Recovering on my own was not a path I took because of stigma, or prejudice, or any conscious urge towards being masculine. I had spent my teenage years admiring Richey Edwards, Emo Philips and Oscar Wilde. The last thing I had sought to be was macho. The embarrassment that came from discussing my emotions was a deeply rooted aspect of my personality, and to some extent, it has endured. I write, in large part, because it has always been a more attractive means of conveying my thoughts and feelings than speech.

Un articolo di Glen Paul Hammond su Political Animal, contesta una recente presa di posizione dell’American Psychological Association sul tema dello stoicismo maschile.

Recently, the American Psychological Association (APA) took aim at “traditional masculinity” by, amongst other things, criticizing “stoicism” as one of its problematic characteristics (APA Guidelines 11). But the essence of stoicism, and our understanding of it, stems from a philosophy that is meant to allow the individual to reach their full potential as a human. What follows, then, is an argument for both the preservation of stoicism and its maintenance in the concept of masculinity.

Immagine da Flickr Just luc.

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