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In Germania nel 2022 circoleranno veicoli a guida autonoma [EN]

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Sta per passare al Bundesrat la votazione del progetto di legge che permetterà a bus e navette a guida autonoma di circolare per le strade tedesche.
L’obiettivo dei legislatori tedeschi è quello di introdurre alcuni veicoli senza conducenti già dal prossimo anno.

Starting in 2022, the German government says the bill would allow for driverless shuttle busses to be put into use, as well as autonomous public transportation busses that would drive on set routes.

Autonomous vehicles would also be permitted to transport goods, and “dual-mode vehicles” could be used for automated valet parking.

Self-driving cars for the general public would also be permitted in regular traffic, although experts estimate it will take years before the vehicles become established in the market, public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk reported.

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