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L’anarchia delle relazioni può darci un mondo senza cuori infranti? [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @farfallone.

Sophie Hemery illustra su Aeon il concetto di anarchia delle relazioni, sviluppato Andie Nordgren per superare la sofferenza causata dalla più comune concezione dell’amore romantico.

The concept of ‘relationship anarchy’, coined in 2006 by the Swedish feminist and computer scientist Andie Nordgren, proposes that how we construct, conduct and prioritise our relationships should be up to us. It is not a libertarian ‘free-for-all’ philosophy, but one with empathy, communication and consent at its heart. It is distinct from nonmonogamy or polyamory; it might or might not contain elements of both. By questioning ‘commonsense’ ways of doing relationships, people can create bonds according to their beliefs, needs and desires. Crucially, relationship anarchy means that traditional romantic love is not automatically placed at the top of a hierarchy of ‘lesser’ relationships.

Immagine da pixabay.

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