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L’ascesa di Parler [EN]

L’ascesa di Parler [EN]

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Un articolo di The Wire descrive l’ascesa del social media Parler come alternativa vicina all’estrema destra e senza censure a Twitter.

Parler became, for many, an attractive solution to Twitter’s supposed ills.
Now, it’s the second most popular app in the App Store, and last week it was estimated to have reached more than 1.5 million daily users, snagging some high-profile newbies: Senator Ted Cruz, Representative Elise Stefanik, Representative Jim Jordan, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. What led to Parler’s founding in August 2018 was, predictably, disillusionment with the likes of the Silicon Valley giants. Henderson, Nevada–based software engineers Jared Thomson and John Matze created the platform, according to Parler’s website, “[a]fter being exhausted with a lack of transparency in big tech, ideological suppresssion [sic] and privacy abuse.”

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