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Le biblioteche stanno lottando per il diritto di prendere in prestito gli ebook [EN]

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Laddove nessuno metterebbe in dubbio la legittimità delle biblioteche a prestare libri gratuitamente, per il formato digitale non sembra che le cose siano altrettanto scontate. Un articolo della CNN spiega i limiti che le case editrici tentano di imporre al prestito degli ebook.

Public libraries in the United States purchase a lot of e-books, and circulate e-books a lot. According to the Public Library Association, electronic material circulation in libraries has been expanding at a rate of 30% per year; and public libraries offered over 391 million e-books to their patrons in 2017. Those library users also buy books; over 60% of frequent library users have also bought a book written by an author they first discovered in a library, according to Pew. Libraries offer free display space for books in over 16,000 locations nationwide. Even Macmillan admits that “Library reads are currently 45% of our total digital book reads.” But instead of finding a way to work with libraries on an equitable win-win solution, Macmillan implemented a new and confusing model and blamed libraries for being successful at encouraging people to read their books.

Immagine: Bibliothek Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein

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